TSoGB: Chapter 3

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Toby sat up and sighed. Now if you were an expert on sighs and other forms of emotive breathing you would have taken note of the extended gradual lowering in tone of this sigh and maybe attributed it to the fact that Toby was losing all interest in his one great passion, art.

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TSoGB: Chapter 1

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Milbrook road was situated right in the centre of inner London. If London was a living cell Milbrook road would be located right in the nucleus; it was wrapped in the DNA of the bright west end lights, the success of the docklands and the class of the centre, but yet it was unimportant. In a sea of frivolity, fun and never ending good times it was a desolate island that went unnoticed by all.  Although it was only a short walk away from the major tourist attractions it never saw the flash of the cameras or heard the shrill cries of excitement from holidaymakers.

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